

Local Objective

At the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
  1. Use a tree diagram and multiplication to find all possible outcomes of a probability experiment.
  2. Use fractions to represent the theoretical probability of an event.
  3. Use fractions to represent the experimental probability of an event and use the probability to make predictions.
  4. Break apart word problems into simpler problems in order to find a solution.

Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

Students will be assessed:

  1. Using the 20-1 Outcomes Quick Check and Practice worksheet to show that the student is able to find all possible outcomes of a probability experiment by using a tree diagram or by multiplying.
  2. Using the 20-2 Writing Probability as a Fraction Quick Check and Practice worksheet to show that the student can use use fractions to represent the theoretical probability of an event.
  3. Using the 20-3 Experiments and Predictions Quick Check and Practice worksheet to show that the student is able to use fractions to represent the experimental probability of an event and use the probability to make predictions.
  4. Using the 20-4 Problem Solving: Solve a Simpler Problem Quick Check and Practice worksheet to show that the student is able to break apart word problems into simpler problems in order to come up with a solution.  
  5. Using the Topic 20 Probability Multiple Choice Exam and Free-Response Exam to show the student can:
    • Find all possible outcomes. (Questions 1, 7, 9, 11) (Questions 13, 18-20)
    • Express probability as a fraction. (Questions 2, 4, 6) (Questions 1-12, 14-15)
    • Use experimental results to make predictions. (Questions 3, 5, 8) (Question 17)
    • Solve a problem by using a simpler, related problem. (Question 10) (Question 16)
  6. Using the Topic 20 Performance Assessment to assess the students' understanding of the concepts and skills, regarding probability, through a performance-based task.  

Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
Break Apart to Solve a Simpler ProblemCR
Break Apart to Solve a Simpler ProblemSR
Experiments and PredictionsCR
Experiments and PredictionsSR
Writing Probability as a fractionCR
Writing Probability as a fractionSR

Learning Activity

During whole group instruction, students will:
  1. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher reviews vocabulary words, works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions on outcomes, pages 486-487 student edition.  The students will also work in pairs, tossing two pennies at the same time, to list the possible outcomes.  They will use a tree diagram to show the possible outcomes. 
  2. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher introduces vocabulary words, works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work practice questions on writing probability as a fraction, pages 488-490 of the student edition.  The students will work in pairs, using Interactive Learning Recording Sheet 33, to represent the probability of drawing a certain letter from a bag.  They will represent the probability as a fraction, and determine whether it is likely, unlikely, or equally likely. 
  3. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher introduces new vocabulary, works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work practice problems on experiments and predictions, pages 492-493 of the student edition.  The students will also work in pairs, to survey 10 students about which of three given colors is their favorite, recording their findings.  Then, the pair will circle the name of the color that was most favored during the survey.  Next, they will use their results to predict how many students out of 50 students will choose the same favorite color that was circled on the list.  They should provide details as to how they made their predictions.  Last, they will share their results and predictions in a whole class discussion.
  4. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher introduces vocabulary, works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work practice problems on breaking apart word problems into simpler problems in order to find a solution, pages 494-495 student edition.  The students will participate in a whole class activity guided by the teacher.  The teacher has put certain colored tiles in a bag. The students will answer prompts to break down a problem and create an organized list of outcomes.

During independent work time, students will complete the:

  1. 20-1 Outcomes Quick Check and Practice worksheet.
  2. 20-2 Writing Probability as a Fraction Quick Check and Practice worksheet.
  3. 20-3 Experiments and Predictions Quick Check and Practice worksheet.
  4. 20-4 Problem Solving: Solve a Simpler Problem Quick Check and Practice worksheet.  

Instructional Method

During whole group instruction, the teacher will:
  1. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples, introduce vocabulary and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on finding all possible outcomes of a probability experiment by using a tree diagram or by multiplying.  The teacher will distribute pennies to pairs of students.  Then the teacher will pose this problem, Toss two pennies at the same time.  How many different outcomes can you get?  The students will be prompted to solve the problem any way they want.  Then the teacher will lead a discussion about the findings, using a tree diagram to model the possibilities. 
  2. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples, introduce vocabulary and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on writing probability as a fraction.  The teacher will write the word "MATH" on index cards, using a separate index card for each letter.  Then, the cards will be placed in a paper bag.  Next, the teacher will pose this problem:  Each letter of the word math is written on a separate card and placed in a bag.  How can you use a number to describe the chance of drawing the letter M from the bag?  The teacher will lead discussion about this question. 
  3. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples, introduce new vocabulary and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on experiments and predictions.
  4. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples, introduce vocabulary and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on breaking apart word problems into simpler problems in order to find a solution.  The teacher will pose this problem: Suppose a bag contains a red, a blue, a yellow, and a green tile.  Two tiles are pulled out at the same time.  Use any way you can to find the number of possible pairs of colors for this experiment.  Record your work.  The teacher will then lead a discussion of ways to create an organized list of the outcomes.  The class will discuss the different outcomes. 

While the students complete individual assignments, the teacher will monitor and observe students, giving assistance as needed. 

Content Standards

MA 3

Process Standards

1.10, 1.2, 1.6, 1.8, 2.3, 3.5, 4.1


Scott Foresman enVision Math Series (Teacher and Student)
Student laptops with internet connection
Student slates and markers
Pull-in resources as needed
Math manipulatives (colored tiles, pennies, index cards, etc...)

Correction Exercise

enVision Math Reteaching Activities/materials
Pull-in resources as needed

Enrichment Exercise

enVision Math Enrichment Activities/materials
Center Activities

Special Needs

Necessary accommodations and modifications will be made, as needed, to meet students' individual needs.

GLEs v2.0 and CLEs

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
MA/D/4/A/5/a.MathematicsData and ProbabilityUnderstand and apply basic concepts of probabilityApply basic concepts of probability5th Gradedescribe the degree of likelihood of events using such words as certain, equally likely and impossible
MA/D/3/A/5/a.MathematicsData and ProbabilityDevelop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on dataDevelop and evaluate inferences5th Gradegiven a set of data, make and justify predictions
MA/D/1/C/5/a.MathematicsData and ProbabilityFormulate questions that can be dressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer themRepresent and interpret data5th Gradedescribe methods to collect, organize and represent categorical and numerical data

Objective Notes/Essential Questions

11/17/2010 3:24:24 PMEssential Questions:
  1. How can you list outcomes of a probability experiment?
  2. What is the probability of an event?
  3. How can you use probability to make predictions?
  4. How do you find all the different ways pairs of objects can be chosen?