
Dividing by 1 and 2 Digit Divisors

Local Objective

At the completion of this unit, the students will be able to: 
  1. Find the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where division involves a basic fact. 
  2.  Use rounding to estimate quotients of whole numbers. 
  3.  Check problems for reasonableness by using various methods, including estimation and checking their final answer. 
  4.  Find quotients using the model of sharing money.  
  5.  Divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit divisors.
  6. Divide with zeros in the quotient. 
  7. Use divisibility rules to determine if a number is divisible by another and to find factor pairs of a given number. 
  8. Identify numbers as prime or composite and find the prime factorization of a number.
  9. Find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact.
  10. Use estimation to find approximate solutions to quotients with two-digit divisors using compatible numbers.
  11. Find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a multiple of ten.
  12. Find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a two-digit number.
  13. Divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number to find a two-digit quotient.


Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

Students will be assessed:

  1. Using the 4-1 Dividing Multiples of 10 and 100 Quick Check and Practice  worksheets to show the student can find the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where division involves a basic fact.
  2. Using the 4-2 Estimating Quotients Quick Check and Practice  worksheets to show the student can use rounding to estimate quotients of whole numbers.
  3. Using the 4-3 Problem Solving: Reasonableness Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show that the student can check problems for reasonableness by using various methods, including estimation and checking their final answer.
  4. Using the 4-4 Connecting Models and Symbols Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can find quotients using the model of sharing money. 
  5. Using the 4-5 Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit divisors.
  6. Using the 4-6 Zeros in the Quotient Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can divide with zeros in the quotient. 
  7. Using the 4-7 Understanding Factors Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can use divisibility rules to determine if a number is divisible by another and to find factor pairs of a given number. 
  8. Using the 4-8 Prime and Composite Numbers Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can identify numbers as prime or composite and find the prime factorization of a number. 
  9. Using the 5-1 Using Patterns to Divide Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact.
  10. Using the 5-2 Estimating Quotients with 2-digit Divisors Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can use estimation to find approximate solutions to quotients with two-digit divisors using compatible numbers.
  11. Using the 5-4 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a multiple of ten.
  12. Using the 5-5 1-Digit Quotients Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a two-digit number. .
  13. Using the 5-6 2-Digit Quotients Quick Check and Practice worksheets to show the student can divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number to find a two-digit quotient.
  14. After completing practice on objectives 1-8, using the Topic 4 Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors Multiple Choice Exam to show students can:
  • Find the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where division involves a basic fact. (Question 2)
  • Use rounding to estimate quotients of whole numbers. (Questions 4,6 ) 
  • Check problems for reasonableness by using various methods, including estimation and checking their final answer. (Question 9)
  • Can find quotients using the model of sharing money. (Question 4)
  • Can divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit divisors. (Questions 3,8,12 )
  • Can divide with zeros in the quotient. (Question 5)
  • Use divisibility rules to determine if a number is divisible by another and to find factor pairs of a given number. (Question 10 )
  • Can identify numbers as prime or composite and find the prime factorization of a number. (Questions 7,13)
After completing practice on objectives 1-8, using the Topic 4 Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors Free-Response Exam to show students can:

  • Find the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where division involves a basic fact. (Questions 1-4,15,16 )
  • Use rounding to estimate quotients of whole numbers. (Questions 5-12 )
  • Can divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit divisors. (Questions 17,19-25, 32-34)
  • Can divide with zeros in the quotient. (Questions 13,14,18)
  • Can identify numbers as prime or composite and find the prime factorization of a number. (Questions 26-31)

15.  After completing practice on objectives 9-13, using the Topic 5 Dividing by 2-Digit Divisors Multiple Choice Exam to show students can: 

  • Find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact. ( Questions 5,13)
  • Use estimation to find approximate solutions to quotients with two-digit divisors using compatible numbers. ( Questions 2,10)
  • Find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a multiple of ten. ( Question, 4,7)
  • Find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a two-digit number. ( Questions 9, 12)
  • Divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number to find a two-digit quotient.( Question 14)

 After completing practice on objectives 9-13, using the Topic 5 Dividing by 2-Digit Divisors Free-Response Exam to show students can: 

  • Find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact. ( Questions 1-4)
  • Use estimation to find approximate solutions to quotients with two-digit divisors using compatible numbers. ( Questions 5-8 )
  • Find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a multiple of ten. ( Questions13-16 )
  • Find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a two-digit number. ( Questions 9,11,12 )
  • Divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number to find a two-digit quotient.( Question 10 )


Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
Divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number CR
Divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number SR
Find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a twCR
Find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a twSR
Find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a CR
Find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a SR
Use estimation to find approximate solutions to quCR
Use estimation to find approximate solutions to quSR
Find the quotients of division problems whose diviCR
Find the quotients of division problems whose diviSR
identify numbers as prime or composite and find thCR
identify numbers as prime or composite and find thSR
use divisibility rules to determine if a number isSR
divide with zeros in the quotient.CR
divide with zeros in the quotient.SR
divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit diviCR
divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit diviSR
find quotients using the model of sharing money.SR
check problems for reasonableness by using variousSR
use rounding to estimate quotients of whole numberCR
use rounding to estimate quotients of whole numberSR
Find the quotient of a division problem whose diviCR
find the quotient of a division problem whose diviSR

Learning Activity

During whole group instruction, students will:
  1. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to find the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where division involves a basic fact.
  2. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions on rounding to estimate quotients of whole numbers.  
  3. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to check problems for reasonableness by using various methods, including estimation and checking their final answer.
  4. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to find quotients using the model of sharing money.
  5. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions on dividing three-digit whole numbers by one-digit divisors.
  6. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to divide with zeros in the quotient.
  7. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions using divisibility rules to determine if a number is divisible by another and to find factor pairs of a given number.
  8. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to identify numbers as prime or composite and find the prime factorization of a number.  
  9. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact.
  10. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to use estimation to find approximate solutions to quotients with two-digit divisors using compatible numbers.
  11. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a multiple of ten.
  12. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a two-digit number.
  13. Take notes from the SMART Board, follow along as the teacher works example problems, working out the problems on their slates, and then work guided practice questions to divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number to find a two-digit quotient.


During independent work time, students will complete the:

  1. 4-1 Dividing Multiples of 10 and 100 Quick Check and Practice worksheet.
  2. 4-2 Estimating Quotients Quick Check and Practice worksheet. 
  3. 4-3 Problem Solving Reasonableness Quick Check and Practice worksheet.
  4. 4-4 Connecting Models and Symbols Quick Check and Practice worksheet
  5. 4-5  Dividing by 1 Digit Divisors Quick Check and Practice worksheet.
  6. 4-6  Zeros in the Quotient Quick Check and Practice worksheet
  7. 4-7  Understanding Factors Quick Check and Practice worksheet
  8. 4-8  Prime and Composite Numbers Quick Check and Practice worksheet. Students will use their laptop computers to play a game on determining prime and composite numbers at the following  website: http://www.helpingwithmath.com/resources/games/prime/prime01.html 
  9. 5-1 Using Patterns to Divide Quick Check and Practice worksheets. 
  10. 5-2 Estimating Quotients with 2-digit Divisors Quick Check and Practice worksheets.
  11. 5-4 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Quick Check and Practice worksheets. 
  12.  5-5 1-Digit Quotients Quick Check and Practice worksheets. 
  13. 5-6 2-Digit Quotients Quick Check and Practice worksheets.


At the end of each unit, the students will use their computers to play a review game over that topic by going to the Mind Point Quiz Bowl icon on their computer.

Instructional Method

During whole group instruction, the teacher will:
  1. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on finding the quotient of a division problem whose dividend is a multiple of 10, where division involves a basic fact..
  2. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on rounding to estimate quotients of whole numbers.
  3. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to check problems for reasonableness by using various methods, including estimation and checking their final answer.
  4. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to find quotients using the model of sharing money.
  5. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on dividing three-digit whole numbers by one-digit divisors
  6. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to divide with zeros in the quotient.
  7. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on divisibility rules to determine if a number is divisible by another and to find factor pairs of a given number.
  8. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed on identify numbers as prime or composite and find the prime factorization of a number.  Instruct students to go to the following website,  http://www.mathplayground.com/katiebegin.html , giving technological help as needed. 
  9. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to find the quotients of division problems whose dividends and divisors are multiples of 10, where the division involves a basic fact.  
  10. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to  use estimation to find approximate solutions to quotients with two-digit divisors using compatible numbers.
  11. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to find quotients with a two-digit divisor that is a multiple of ten. 
  12. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to find one-digit quotients where the divisor is a two-digit number.
  13. Display the Visual Learning Animations CD-ROM on the SMART Board, use prepared lesson materials to discuss, model examples and provide guided practice problems, providing assistance and feedback as needed to divide a three-digit number by a two-digit number to find a two-digit quotient. 

Content Standards

MA 1, MA 5

Process Standards

1.4, 3.2


Scott Foresman EnVision Math Series Materials
Student laptop computers with Internet connection
Student slates with dry erase markers

Correction Exercise

Scott Foresman EnVision Math Topic 3 Reteaching Materials

Enrichment Exercise

Scott Foresman EnVision Math Enrichment Materials
Center Activities and/or manipulatives

GLEs v2.0 and CLEs

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
MA/N/1/C/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsUnderstand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systemsCompose and decompose numbers5th Graderecognize equivalent representations for the same number and generate them by decomposing and composing numbers
MA/N/1/D/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsUnderstand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systemsClassify and describe numeric relationships5th Gradedescribe numbers according to their characteristics, including whole number common factors and multiples, prime or composite, and square numbers
MA/N/2/A/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsUnderstand meanings of operations and hwo they relate to one anotherRepresent operations5th Graderepresent and recognize division usint various models, including quotative and partitive
MA/N/3/A/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsCompute fluently and make reasonable estimatesDescribe or represent mental strategies5th Gradedescribe a mental strategy used to compute a given division problem, where the quotient is a multiple of 10 and the divisor is a 1-digit number (e.g., 350/7)
MA/N/3/B/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsCompute fluently and make reasonable estimatesDevelop and demonstrate fluency5th Gradedemonstrate fluency with efficient procedures for adding and suctracting decimals and fractions (with unlike denominators) and division of whole numbers
MA/N/3/D/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsCompute fluently and make reasonable estimatesEstimate and justify solutions5th Gradeestimate and justify products and quotients of whole numbers and sums of differences of decimals and fractions
MA/N/3/C/5/a.MathematicsNumbers and OperationsCompute fluently and make reasonable estimatesCompute problems5th Gradeapply and describe the strategy used to compute a division problem up to a 3-digit by 2-digit and addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals